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Update your contents easily

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firmware update

Update your contents easily

You cannot access the player ? you need to update your contents easily and everywhere ?

It’s even more simple today with our new software release.

We’ve designed a new interface on our media players VP320, VP330 et EVP380. From now, you access your player remotely directly from the administration console. Just connect to the machine, and you access the interface to program your scenarios directly or adjust them. Then you can drag and drop your contents and rename them. You can also download the complete program on your computer.

The scenario and the media remain accessible anytime, so you can always modify your scenario without any aditional software. Content update has never been so easy for integrators and final customers!

How can you take advantage of this feature on VP320, VP330 et EVP380?  Just download 1.10 version of the firmware with your remote control; display the menu, select system parameters and update the system. Or connect to the player remote administration, menu “system parameters / system update”.

In details

  • Added a new File manager function in the remote administration, which allows:
  • Full web management of file content,
  • Multiple file upload,
  • File download,
  • Background tasks for local file operations,
  • Copy and move files and folders (background task),
  • Delete files and folders (background task),
  • Create folders,
  • Rename files and folders,
  • Navigate into storage media and list files and folders,
  • Automatic switching to maintenance mode,
  • Manual maintenance mode locking,
  • In Maintenance mode, changed the text FTP by File management on the LCD screen of the Event Video Player (EVP380).

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