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Prepare for your post-quarantine reopening

Waves system > Actualités > article > Prepare for your post-quarantine reopening
  • News, buzz and media, Administrations and communities, cultural engineering, audiovisual integration, Museography, Our news, Health, medicine and well-being.

What if the reopening of public places went through our solutions? We explain how right here.


« Respect the distances »

Offer automated distribution of information and safety messages with our time-stamped MyMusicPlayer, MyMusicPlayer LE and Chronoplayer players. And in addition they are made in France.

Discover our audio player

With mask but without headphone

Create sound bubbles with HyperSound, the best value for money directional speaker. Moreover, it is also made in France. 🙂


Discover our HyperSound speaker

Or adopt the mono-earpiece, without roughness, for quick and easy disinfection. Guess what ? Made in France…

Discover our mono-earpiece

It gives button ?

Replace the push buttons with our Senso Pad, PB22IR and IR Pad contactless sensors. And, do you know where they are made?


Discover our sensors