We worked along with Kaleo Design for the new exhibition settled at Cité de l’Espace to celebrate Thomas Pesquet recent flight towards the ISS.

VP330 was chosen as the only solution to change subtitles on-the-fly without interrupting videos nor the spinning mock-up that was connected to it. VP330 players were coupled to Hypersound directional speakers and portrait screens.
According to Lucas, CEO of Kaleo Design : “ the subtitle feature and the easy way to change content after installation were very appreciated. Also we received an extremely good support from Waves. Altogether we succeeded in a very tight schedule.”
Focus on the Subtitling feature
Subtitling is more and more requested in public areas to deliver messages to foreign audience and hearing impaired people. Our players manage and display all standard subtitling files that are embedded on the contener and/or set beside the video file. The use of separate files is a money saving solutin compared to video postproduction. You can also adjust / change the content whenever needed. Finally you can change the displayed subtitle when an event occur (RS, IO, TCP, HTTP) to guarantee the best visitor experience to your audience.
Discover our Video Players and the Hypersound directional speakers.